Meals to lose weight fast

Slimming eating is one of the best ways to do this. But, no doubt, get it fast is one of the most difficult challenges. Clearly, it is not impossible and must rely on alternative well as recipes, smoothies or negative calorie foods.
Weight loss is one of the most important concerns for many people. No wonder, since obesity is not only unsightly, but also leads to severe health problems.What better way to lose weight through a careful selection of recipes and foods? For this reason, you should consider these foods to lose weight fast . One of the most interesting options you have within the recipes for quick weight loss are negative calorie foods . How is this? Simple: foods, because of its composition, the body has to consume more calories to digest than entering the eating. One option is this bittersweet salad or the fruit aspic . If you're looking entreesmeals to lose weight fast , then you can use low-calorie recipes interesting, varied enough to not get bored with the usual menu. These are some of the options you can have this: 
1. Light Greek salad
2. Fresh spinach salad
3. Tuna Cup

Eating fat burning foods diet

When dieting, there are negative calorie food detox , no matter how much you eat. These naturally occurring foods are fat burning foods that serve to lose weight quickly and lose weight eating .

Eating fat burning foods diet

Precisely for this reason, is that Eastern women are thin. They already have built into your regular diet, these fat burning foods . It's also why Orientals are long-lived, reaching ages than Westerners and in better physical condition.
In this part of the world's diet has less than 25% fat, unlike the West, which is between 30 - 35%.
Consume much fiber , minerals and vitamins through vegetables , fruits and whole grains. As well as foods rich in protein but low in fat, such as fish and shellfish. It is clear that this kind of food is detoxifying foods .
Moreover, they have discovered the negative calorie foods , ie foods that provide fewer calories than needed for digestion. That is why they are known by the name of negative calorie, spending more than it contributes.
List of fat burning foods, negative calorie and detoxifying
  • 1. artichoke
  • 2. celery
  • 3. Eggplants
  • 4. broccoli
  • 5. pumpkin
  • 6. cauliflower
  • 7. spinach
  • 8. green peas (peas)
  • 9. mushrooms (champignon)
  • 10. lettuce
  • 11. turnips
  • 12. cucumber
  • 13. beet
  • 14. cabbage

5 meat substitutes that you can use in your diet to lose weight

5 meat substitutes that you can use in your diet to lose weight

Replace the meat in a diet to lose weight is completely possible. Just keep on hand some of these replacements light to have a healthy diet.
Eating meat is not essential if you want to lose weight . Many people increasingly choose to have step-free feeding meatanimals and opt for vegetarian alternatives . There are many ways to replace meat products.Just consider some of the options proposed below, taking into account that are protein, low in fat and calories. To enjoy without guilt.

These are 5 meat substitutes that you can use in your diet to lose weight:
  1. Lentils : They provide protein, iron, are rich in fiber (ideal to combat constipation and clean the appliance gastric), satisfying and provide about 300 calories per 100 grams of dry product. You can eat from a soup, even salad.
  2. Seitan : Perhaps one of the more meat substitutes that are similar in texture.Is wheat gluten, rich in protein, also low in calories, low in fat and energy. While you can easily buy in health food stores and vegetarian, you can prepare at home.
  3. Tofu : Or also known as tofu. There proteins, is low in calories, fat and also provides an interesting calcium dose. It comes in different textures. So you can use from sauteed or grilled, as crushing to prepare a fill light with what comes to mind.
  4. Girgolas : These mushrooms are really wonderful because they are high in protein and fiber, but then, their caloric intake is really very low. They have a meat-like texture and a unique flavor. Grilled remaining wonders.
  5. Textured soy: Another traditional substitutes meat. Is widely available even in supermarkets. Simply hydrate with water or broth, soy sauce, seasonings and then use it like ground beef. Its uses are more diverse and is perfect in pies, stews, stuffings and more.

How to reduce waist in 4 weeks

How to reduce waist in 4 weeks

Regardless of the season where you are, if you're willing to lose kilos in a month and this has become a goal to achieve, this note will find information about how to reduce waist in 4 weeks . To this end, we present a training plan simple, yet effective. Do not miss it!
In a month of training you may lose a few extra kilos.
While this depends on each person, in four weeks you can lose weight about 5 kilos , and lose between 2 to 4 inches of waist.
If you are in search of this plan , I will tell you how to do it.
Training plan to lose kilos in a month 
Week 1
  • During this week is important that you exercise three times a week . First you must perform 10 minutes of aerobic exercise , such as treadmill or bicycle . After those minutes, the activity you choose should be located gym , body pump or strength training. The purpose of this week is training legs, abdomen, back and chest .
Week 2
  • This week will combine two days of activity realizabas during first week , and thethird day only do aerobic activity (treadmill, fitness or the like).
Week 3
  • During these seven days the goal is to lose fat , so it is necessary that the three days a week you do aerobic exercise , besides those mentioned can walk , jog or take aerobics classes.
Week 4
  • The training plan for this week is similar to the previous week , just increase the speed or resistance if you're exercising with treadmill or bicycle respectively.
Is important to have in mind that this fitness plan must be accompanied by a low calorie diet, but balanced . This way your body will feel less impact and respond better to training and weight loss .
Remember, it is always advisable to see a doctor before starting a workout plan anddiet to lose weight . Keep in mind that we are not all equal, and each body reacts differently.

Implement tactics that slimming

Implement tactics that slimming

When fighting the extra kilos are many strategies you can consider. But, as each person is an individual with specific characteristics and needs, it is important to know what tactics to implement when slimming and what are the best strategies .
There are several strategies to combat the extra kilos . There are tactics to lose weightquickly or slowly, to be adjusted to your needs, but what are the best strategies and tactics you can implement.
What implement tactics to lose weight?
  • - If you want to lose weight quickly, the best strategy is to put into practice a diet regime which combine in one low-calorie diet of 1000 calories (depending on your calorie needs), with a high protein diet (you can take a day or two weekly).The protein diet causes an increase in metabolism, and therefore enhances the slimming process.
  • - On the other hand, if you want to lose weight in a staggered and balanced, the best strategy is to eat everything, but with an emphasis on food quality . To do this, the best tactic is to put into practice the Mediterranean diet , this diet allows you to lose weight slowly . The advantage of this strategy is that it is a diet that helps you lose weight, and reduce other risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia .
Both strategies against the extra kilos , share a tactic you should not ignore the physical activity . Exercise is essential to combat the extra kilos, and to model the figure.
It is important to have in mind that each person has a tactic own diet and you should adapt to your needs. Therefore it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting treatment for weight loss , to find with him the best strategy against your extra kilos .

What cereal choice for dieting

What cereal choice for dieting

Although many cereals escape him when they want to lose weight, the reality is that these are foods that belong in a weight loss regimen. So that the best you can have on hand a grain calorie chart , and so know what to choose cereal diet .
Within a balanced diet such as the Mediterranean diet , grains are essential. It is therefore important to have on hand, the calorie chart of different cereals to know which ones to choose.
Before you know different caloric values ​​, I must clarify that divide the table into two. On one hand, you have the values ​​corresponding to 1 cup cooked cereal  ready to eat, and while on the other hand will have the values ​​of raw cereal flour / cup .
Table calorie cooked cereals
CerealCalories per cup cooked cereal
Brown Rice166

Table of calories from raw cereals
CerealCalories per cup of raw cereal
Rye flour446
Brown rice flour574
Millet flour444
Chickpea Flour356
Soybean meal low fat330

These are some cereals that can be taken into account when making diet and prepare your own meals. If you present this table, you will notice that the grains themselves have fewer calories than meals .
Also, keep in mind that each and every one of these meals have properties that can help you lose weight, but you need to be careful with the portions . Even cereals, especially whole grains have a Glycemic Index (GI), which not only improvestreatment for obesity , but it is useful for those suffering from diabetes .
To get more out of the grains can be mixed with raw or cooked vegetables , in a manner that enhances their satiating and detoxifying properties .
Finally, do not forget that all of these foods contain fiber , an organic compound essential in any diet to lose weight in a healthy way. Therefore, when preparing light meals , consider these grains and flours. There are many tasty dishes which you can dip into, such as salads, light dishes and breads.

How to increase metabolism to lose weight

To lose weight , you have to increase your metabolism so you can burn as many calories as energy, which are usually obtained from body fat stores.metabolism is a series of chemical reactions, which makes the body to regulate its inner workings. accelerating it can turn your body into a more efficient, allowing you to burn fat faster and in greater quantity.
To lose weight , you have to increase your metabolism so you can burn as many calories as energy, which are usually obtained from body fat stores.metabolism is a series of chemical reactions, which makes the body to regulate its inner workings. accelerating it can turn your body into a more efficient, allowing you to burn fat faster and in greater quantity.
If you wonder how to increase metabolism to burn more calories , here are some tips to increase metabolism and lose weight.
  • 1. Eat some food or snack, or minimal, at least every three hours.
  • 2. Make some kind of physical activity. least for half an hour after completion of the exercise your metabolism will be higher.
  • 3. Train with strength exercises and increase your muscle mass. A bulky muscles cause increased basal metabolism, that is, when you're at rest adelgazas.
  • 4. Avoid fast diets highly restrictive. The body reacts by decreasing metabolism as a defensive response to the limited amount of food that is available.
  • 5. Incorporates foods containing nutrients and avoid empty calories. The intake of vitamins and trace elements present in food, the body causes its use in metabolic reactions.
  • 6. Use the Effect NEAT , thermogenic activity is not associated with physical exercise (NEAT, for its acronym in English). If you do not exercise, increase your metabolism to be more proactive in your daily tasks. Thus, there remains a 50% more of your time on foot, up the stairs instead of the elevator, etc..
  • 7. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.