Soda can also cause diabetes

Soda can also cause diabetes
Although soda have less calories and almost no simple sugars contribute to the body, not as good for health as we believe , it can encourage the quantity and frequency of intake and also, oddly own sugary foods, can also produce diabetes .
After evaluating more than 66,000 women for fourteen years and detect diabetes cases arising in that time, the researchers found an association between those who consumed more than 1.5 liters of soda per week and the development of diabetes .
Specifically, intake of more than 1.5 liters of artificially sweetened beverages a week increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 130%, compared with people who do not get this type of diet drinks.
The amazing thing is that people who consume this amount of sugary drinks are 50% more likely to suffer the disease, much less than the risk associated with the intake of diet soda.
Despite the observed results arising from a large study done in time and we must take caution before such data, because while researchers worked to exclude effects of other factors associated with the development of diabetes, can not see a cause-effect relationship between diet soda consumption and the onset of the disease.
In fact, it is possible that genetic predisposition and other factors associated with lifestyle influence this relationship.
However, soda can accentuate our sweet tooth and have no sugar but may produce a similar effect as sweetened taste in the brain. Also, there are many diet soda possessing chemicals not recommended in excess in our body.
So, speaking of drinks , or those with sugar or those light are advisable daily if we want a healthy diet for the body.
Track | IntraMed
Image | Vincent Desjardins