Soda can also cause diabetes

Soda can also cause diabetes
Although soda have less calories and almost no simple sugars contribute to the body, not as good for health as we believe , it can encourage the quantity and frequency of intake and also, oddly own sugary foods, can also produce diabetes .
After evaluating more than 66,000 women for fourteen years and detect diabetes cases arising in that time, the researchers found an association between those who consumed more than 1.5 liters of soda per week and the development of diabetes .
Specifically, intake of more than 1.5 liters of artificially sweetened beverages a week increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 130%, compared with people who do not get this type of diet drinks.
The amazing thing is that people who consume this amount of sugary drinks are 50% more likely to suffer the disease, much less than the risk associated with the intake of diet soda.
Despite the observed results arising from a large study done in time and we must take caution before such data, because while researchers worked to exclude effects of other factors associated with the development of diabetes, can not see a cause-effect relationship between diet soda consumption and the onset of the disease.
In fact, it is possible that genetic predisposition and other factors associated with lifestyle influence this relationship.
However, soda can accentuate our sweet tooth and have no sugar but may produce a similar effect as sweetened taste in the brain. Also, there are many diet soda possessing chemicals not recommended in excess in our body.
So, speaking of drinks , or those with sugar or those light are advisable daily if we want a healthy diet for the body.
Track | IntraMed
Image | Vincent Desjardins

Seven foods consumed daily reduces heart risk

Seven foods consumed daily reduces heart risk
There are several foods that benefit the heart, but if we quantify the effect on cardiovascular health, can only reveal the results of a recent study published in the British Medical Journal that states thatseven foods consumed daily by 76% can reduce heart risk .
Although separately ingested these foods also contribute to cardiovascular health, if we add the effect of all daily and include in our diet, we can achieve a significant reduction in heart disease risk. The seven foods that we discussed are:
  • Wine
  • Fish
  • Black chocolate
  • Almonds
  • Garlic
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

Eating these foods daily as part of different preparations and in adequate amounts represent a 76% lower risk of heart disease and 6.6 years longer for men and 4.8 years for women.
Apparently, the fact that combining these foods have different effects on cardiovascular health is a way to enhance the benefits, because although the garlic helps reduce bad cholesterol and antithrombotic effects, the black chocolate provides antioxidants and reduces pressure pressure. The fish with omega 3 reduces triglycerides and raises good cholesterol, such as almonds . The wine is rich in antioxidants and fruit and vegetables contribute to potassium, water and phytosterols.
So, if we take care of the quantities of food at the time to include the daily diet and combine them all on the menu every day, we get this remarkable effect: reduce by 76% the risk of heart disease with the help of healthy eating and of course , an entire lifestyle that accompanies it.
We can not say that while these foods reduce heart disease risk, there are others who can also provide benefits, such as legumes, olive oil or other. Clearly, these foods help but the sum of several habits have greater effect.
Track | lanacion
Image | Theswedish

Five reasons to eat avocado

Five reasons to eat avocado
Avocado is a fruit much forgotten by athletes and people who want to lose weight because of their high fat content. When we heard they contain almost 30g of fat per piece, got scared and did not include it directly in our basket. But as not everything that contains fat is bad, let me explain five reasons to eat avocado .
Avocados are one of the best foods you can eat any athlete . Whether you are fitness enthusiasts like you are crazy endurance.

  • They can help improve cholesterol levels and stabilize heart rhythm thanks to the more than 20g per piece of large amounts monounsaturated oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).

  • Support the growth and repair of muscle mass as they contain good sources of protein, high amounts of potassium and zinc, even more than bananas themselves. And as I mentioned, many grams of monounsaturated fat, which also will improve the levels of the hormone testosterone naturally .

  • Reduce inflammation in the joints and assist in cartilage repair due to its essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

  • They feel satiated for longer , thanks to its seven grams of fiber per piece, soluble and insoluble, which slow the breakdown of carbohydrates and the large amount of oleic acid that activates the area of the brain that makes you feel full.

  • Enhance the immune system, because they are high in carotenoids. Avocados are a great source of lutein, a carotenoid that acts as an antioxidant and helps protect against eye diseases.
As you can see, this fruit is a very complete food for athletes . I usually use it in the evenings with a salad with low-fat cheese, lettuce and tomato. Is scrumptious.
Do you guys have the avocado in your diet?
Editor: Vitonica
Image: Muffet

Foods that cause greater satiety

Foods that cause greater satiety
We know that satiety is what allows end hunger and defines the time between feedings. Therefore, knowing the food they produce greater satiety may be helpful to control what we eat and so promote a diet without excess.
More than a decade, in order to award a number that valued the satiety that produce common foods, we conducted a study that determined the satiety index of 38 foods, those most common.
They asked individuals who consumed different foods and for 120 minutes after every 15 minutes was assessed satiety to invite to eat whatever they wanted in a number of foods and drinks.
In addition, all food is presented on the same basis, ensuring that not influence the presentation or ambient light and detail.
Thus, taking as reference the satiety producing bread, which is credited to an index of 100 and accordingly it is known that more satiety foods are produced :
  • Boiled potatoes having a ratio of 323 satiety
  • Fish that has an index of 225 satiety
  • Oats oatmeal or possessing a satiety index of 209
  • Oranges satiety index which is 202
  • Apples that have a satiety index of 197 consumed with your skin
  • Pastas having a satiety index of 188
  • Beef lean satiety index which is 176
  • Baked beans whose satiety index is 168
  • Fresh grapes that have a satiety index of 162
  • Whole wheat bread has a satiety index of 157
  • Popcorn having a satiety index of 154
  • Eggs which has an index of 150 satiety
  • Cheese satiety index which is 146
  • Lentils , which have an index of 133 satiety
  • White rice which satiety index is 132
Foods that produce less satiety find the pastries and cakes and sweets or chocolates.
It was found that the content fibre, water and protein correlated positively with the level of satiety, while the fat content is inversely proportional thereto.
It is an interesting study that can give weapons to better control food intake if we choose those mostsatiety produced.
Image source: avlxyz

Juice to burn abdominal fat

Fat burning juices are an excellent choice if you want to reduce your abdomen, especially during the summer. These juices provide special nutrients that can flatten your abs and say, besides being tasty and refreshing.

Juice to burn abdominal fat

The stomach is one of the areas where fat is deposited more easily, and in which it is more difficult to remove. Toburn fat effectively, you can drink a juice for your abs again be flat . This juiceblending you can prepareminced ½ cup papaya, peeled, seeded, chopped ¼ cup pineapple, peeled, 2 slices of watermelon without peel and seeds and 1 banana . Once you have all fruit smoothie, drink 1 glass of this juice every morning on an empty stomach . 's action papaya allows you to detoxify your body thanks to its laxative effect , while the pineapple and watermelon improve digestion, reduce absorption of fat and having a diuretic effect, decreasing fluid retention.Moreover the banana provides fiber that increases the laxative effect . Also, this juice provides minerals, vitamins and water to improve your hydration , especially if you are in the summer season. For all these nutrition , papaya juice, pineapple, watermelon and banana is great for burning fat and reduce belly . Do not miss it, I hope you like it. 

How many calories does a chicken egg?

If you're dieting, it is likely that every moment you wonder how many calories are in the foods that you are about to eat. The egg is a major wildcard in diets for weight loss, both for its composition, rich in proteins of high biological value, as it is practical. So know the nutritional information of the eggs is something that surely will interest you.

How many calories does a chicken egg?

An egg can be a perfect snack if you're on a diet and want to eat something simple and nutritious.But ... how many calories are in a chicken egg?, how many have a hard boiled egg?, what one fried?, how many calories are in the yolk and the clear how many?.An egg has 80,000 calories .Before you decide to remove them forever from your diet, you usually clarify that when we talk of calories, we refer wrongly to what are actually kilocalories , ie the equivalent of 1,000 calories. Therefore, an egg has about 80 kilocalories. (considering an egg approximately 50 grams), however, does not have the same amount of calories clear that yolk. Of the 80 kilocalories , about 67 kilocaloriescorrespond to the yolk and only 13 kilocalories to clear . Neither the amount of calories of a hard boiled egg is equal to that of a fried egg. While an egg has the same amount of calories that crude, ie 80, a fried egg , according to the amount of oil absorbed during the cooking, may be up to230 kcal.

Calories from apples

Apples are the favorite fruits in slimming diets. By his great power satiety, are irreplaceable when it comes to losing weight. But ... Do you know how many calories are in an apple? Find out how many calories and calculates your intake amounts every time you eat one.

Calories from apples

The properties of the applediet are indisputable. Suman its satiating power, the fact of having fewer calories , high in fiber and a rich supply of antioxidants. So much so that virtually no diet to lose weight quickly , which does not include apples among their snacks. Nevertheless, it is clear that not all apple varieties have exactly the same amount of calories .Fluctuations between which have more calories and less can vary by up to 50%. While sweeter apples can have almost 60 calories per 100 gramsof fruit, the more acidic barely exceed the 40 calories per equal weight. Thereby generally red apple has more calories than green apple and apple with peelmany fewer calories than without. The latter is because the entire block, considered a negative calorie food , to be consumed with quemagrasas shell increases its properties, ie more calories than are expended in its digestion that it provides with its intake. Moreover, it diets in common use is in the form of snacks to a special presentation of the apple: the dried apples . While it is true that this food product concentrates satiating power of apples, it is also true that concentrates its calories. So much so that contributes about 350 calories per 100 grams , so that a portion should not exceed 20 to 25 grams of product. Ultimately, an apple has averaged about 50 calories per 100 grams and weighs between 150 and 250 grams , so if you eat one, you'll earn a diet around 75-125 calories . 

Why are some fruits cause swelling?

A user of our forum we stated that some fruits like watermelon or cantaloupe will cause swelling. Then we wondered why this happens in these plants. The primary response is the amount of sugar and water.
Why are some fruits cause swelling?

Dalis, a user of our forum has sent the following message to the thread why some fruits cause swelling? : 

"I would like contasen why certain fruits like watermelon or cantaloupe me cause swelling in the stomach. Thanks. "

Hello Dalis. Some fruits, indeed several of them, are able to generate swelling and gases in some cases, especially in the area of the intestines. This is due mainly to two reasons: the amount of water and the type of sugar that is in it.

fruits you mention, like watermelon or melon, are extremely hydrating and perfect for the summer season. But it is also true that their high water content (over 90 percent) helps to dilute the gastric juices, thus slowing the digestive process. To avoid this problem it is advisable to consume these fruits leaving a reasonable time after the meal .

But watermelons and cantaloupes are not the only fruits that generate this.Also others such as apples, pears, peaches or plums can contribute to bloating and gas due to its content of sorbitol , a sugar that is present in them. Anyway, if discomfort persists, you can try with some home remedies for gas or some natural remedies for swelling , because your body can be a little sensitive on this issue. 

Bananas, nuts and chocolate to treat depression

Bananas, nuts and chocolates are a real alternative to antidepressant drugs , say scientists from the Belgian Institute for Health Protection. "Many times people make bad choices when eating is choosing foods that contain large amounts of hormones that increase the transmission of nerve impulses [eg foods high in saturated fats ]. If a person has a preference for these foods regularly and include in your diet, it can return more likely to suffer from depression ", Belgian experts say.
They argue, a very good alternative to commercial depression are the chocolate , the bananas and nuts : "Not surprisingly, in Belgium, where the depression associated with lack of sun is common, chocolate and bananas plus nuts Scandinavians have begun to form an indispensable part of the daily diet. "
Studies in the Institute in recent years have shown that these three foods have a substance capable of becoming one of the neurotransmitters that the body lacks in depressive states.
To date there are several studies that show a direct link between nutrition and mental disorders. Even special diets are designed to treat a variety of ailments. The reality is that power is an essential factor that affects our physical and mental health and it is important to pay attention to our eating habits by carefully selecting the foods we eat every day, looking for the optimal performance of our body. However, in cases where depression has become a serious condition it is best to seek medical and / or psychotherapeutic.

Foods to prevent breast cancer

Foods to prevent breast cancer
In these days very important that we know that food served to prevent breast cancer , and that no effort is worthwhile in its prevention. Moreover in these days when the number of cases filed each year has increased considerably this problem. Here are to serve food to prevent breast cancer and also serve to complement your nutrition and lead a healthy life in all aspects.
Cauliflower. This herb contains sulforaphane, which stop the growth of cancer cells in vitro by interfering with the ability of the cells to reproduce. Cauliflower also contains a compound called I3C, which may decrease the effects of estrogen effects that otherwise could favor the proliferation of tumors. When cooking this vegetable , steamed Roast and cook but never boil (unless you prepare vegetable soup or some other way to use the cooking water) this is because research has shown that when boiling cauliflower 75% of anti-cancer components filtered water.
Sweet potatoes or yams (sweet potatoes). A sweet potato can contain up to 11.062 micrograms of beta-carotene, a carotenoid that helps the body better metabolize estrogen. Women with lower levels of beta-carotene and other carotenoids had twice the risk of breast cancer compared with women with the highest levels of that substance. Sweet potatoes or yams are a food to prevent breast cancer highly recommended as well as their properties above are also incredibly versatile so you will have no problem in including them in your recipes .
Ketchup. Research shows that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomato sauce, can protect against cancer of breast by neutralizing free radicals that damage cells. Studies show that lycopene can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in laboratory tests as it was observed that tumors removed laboratory subjects. It also provides a protective shield for skin against damage from the sun . Lycopene is more easily absorbed into the body when exposed to heat and cooked tomatoes are better than raw for this purpose. Lycopene is fat-soluble, so add olive oil can help absorption.
These foods to prevent breast cancer are very affordable in most countries as well as being economical and very adaptable to all kinds of cooking whatever our preference in that area. No doubt, include them in our diet is advice that no woman should miss.

Natural remedies to stimulate digestion

Natural remedies to improve digestion
   Before resorting to drugs to relieve constipation consider natural remedies to stimulate digestion . Although the former appear to be a quick fix, but eventually your intestine may become dependent on them. It is best to implement a complementary and comprehensive plan focused on natural remedies to stimulate digestionoptimally. Follow these tips to achieve an effective and healthy.
1) Stretch your stomach. The yoga poses that require a certain level of torsion of the trunk can stimulate digestion . One of the most effective and you can try from home is sitting on the floor with legs extended. Bend your right knee and cross it over the left leg, left foot outside the left thigh. Bend your left knee and bring your left foot out of the hip (the right side). Inhale, raising his arms; exhale, turning right and bringing the right elbow off the right knee and your left hand behind you as support. Look back over the right shoulder. Hold the position for 1 minute. Reverses direction and repeat.
2) Prepare a sandwich on rye. It has been shown that the pumpernickel relieves constipation 41% faster than the drug because it is high in fiber arabinoxilansa.
3) Choose the best vegetables. Garlic, onions, asparagus, artichokes, and bananas are wrapped with a sugar compound that raises levels of "good" bacteria that reside in the colon to reduce and relieve constipation.
4) Eat blueberries. These colorful berries are not only good for the brain but are an excellent natural remedy to stimulate digestion. containing high concentrations of anthocyanins, compounds that can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 33% according to a study appearing in the recognized Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention of Cancer. This is because blueberries promote bowel functions while cleaning the digestive tract.
5) Bananas and popcorn. The latter so popular snack known as "popcorn" is rich in insoluble fiber, which help keep your digestive system moving. Eat up to 3 cups of popcorn (not microwave) twice a week can reduce the risk of diverticular disease, a painful inflammation of the intestine by 28%. Meanwhile, bananas contain certain compounds that fight that researchers cause most stomach ulcers.

Proper nutrition

Improper diet can provoke deficiencies as they are; apathy, irritability, fatigue, loss of interest in things and, ultimately, a state of unrest.

The shortages would cause problems on the health of individuals, but also the excessive consumption of food boxes cause disease.Countries of high standard of living and purchasing power have obesity problems, cholesterol, caries, arteriosclerosis, causes that induce death by heart attack, thrombosis, cirrhosis, etc..

Diseases such deficiencies or imbalances caused by excess supply or can largely avoid or at least prevent them with a balanced diet that collects what our body needs to function.
A correct diet goes through make five meals a day, breakfast, half morning, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

The breakfast is one of the main meals of the day, improve physical and intellectual, to balance calorie intake can help prevent obesity in children and help to achieve a more balanced diet. A full breakfast is one that is composed of milk or derivatives, cereals and fruits or juices. Midmorning should make a moderate intake of food, a yogurt and fruit or coffee and toast with tomato and olive oil are some examples. Lunch should contain foods from the different groups of the food pyramid. The food preparation should be simple, opt for meat and fish grilled, boiled or roasted abusing avoiding fried garnishes composed salads or vegetables, raise fish consumption at the expense of meat, and fruit-based desserts is it is more advisable to make a healthy and balanced Mediterranean diet.

At snack energy intake must complete the day. Fruits, dairy products or sandwiches are a good choice.

Dinner should consist of food pyramid that we have not yet eaten throughout the day. It is advisable to consume easily digestible foods like vegetables in sauces or soups, or fish fillets grilled chicken, salads.


Food handling

Correct handling of aliemntos reduces the risk of foodborne illness.The temperature control, personal hygiene and cleanliness in the kitchen are fundamental.
WHO (World Health Organization) has developed a Decalogue to prevent food hazards:
  • Choose foods processed for safety.
  • Cook food thoroughly
  • Eat cooked foods immediately.
  • Keep cooked foods properly.
  • Reheat cooked foods.
  • Avoid contact between raw and cooked foods.
  • Wash hands frequently and properly.
  • Maintain clean and sanitized all parts of the kitchen and utensils.
  • Protect foods from insects, rodents and other animals.
  • Use water and keep cleaning chemicals and away from food.
PERSONAL HYGIENEgood personal hygiene reduces the chance of transmission of microorganisms to food.
  • Wash hands frequently and thoroughly
  • Nails should be trimmed and clean
  • Avoid the aliemntos salivate to speech
  • Do not sneeze or cough on food
  • Wear a hairnet and clean clothes

Healthy living

While maintaining good health habits not guarantee enjoy a longer life, it can definitely improve their quality. If practiced regularly, a few simple things can help minimize the risk of illness and enrich your life:
  • Make exercise regularly and control weight
  • Do not smoke or use drugs
  • Not drinking too much alcohol and avoid it altogether if you have a history of alcoholism
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Baby Teeth
  • Control high blood pressure
  • Follow good safety
Exercise is a key factor in staying healthy. Exercise strengthens the bones, heart and lungs, tones muscles, improves vitality, helps you sleep better and relieves depression.
If you are just starting an exercise program and have any pre-existing conditions, such as obesity, hypertension or diabetes , ask your doctor about a stress test to help establish safe limits for the exercise program .
Tips for healthy exercise:
  • It should start exercising gradually (perhaps with a brisk walk) and not expect to "get in shape" overnight. After three months of constant effort, physical condition will start to improve.
  • The person must exercise enough to sweat during each exercise period, but not so strong that it can not hold a conversation.
  • A workout plan 20 to 30 minutes, at least three or five days a week. Include stretching before and after exercise, which will help prevent injury. Remember to start slowly and listen to your body. If it hurts badly, then you are probably overdoing it.
  • Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs and should be part of the routine to get in shape.Examples of these exercises include walking, running, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, rowing, jumping rope, dancing, racket sports and cycling. To achieve the greatest benefit, aerobic exercises should be performed for continuous periods of at least 10 to 12 minutes.
  • The strength and flexibility exercises are important and help the person to maintain the ability to perform daily activities and maintain balance as it grows.
It is necessary to make adjustments to the exercise program for children, pregnant women, obese adults, elderly, disabled and survivors of heart attacks. The programs also need to be modified for high altitude and extreme heat or cold.
It is estimated that cigarette smoking causes over 400,000 deaths per year in the United States and is the largest preventable cause of premature death in this country. One in five deaths in the United States each year is the direct or indirect result of smoking.
Indirect exposure to smoking causes approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year. Studies have also linked secondhand smoke with heart disease snuff.
Serious illnesses most often caused by smoking are:
  • Angina
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Heart attack
  • Leg pain as a result of blockages in the arteries of the lower extremities (claudication)
  • Lung cancer (the risk for smokers is 10 times that of nonsmokers)
  • Stroke (risk of smokers is almost three times that of non-smokers)
It is never too late to quit smoking. Two years after quitting, the risk of heart attack returns to average and the risk of lung cancer drops by about a third. After 10 years of not smoking, the risk of lung cancer returns to near normal.
Drinking alcohol gradually depresses brain function and formerly affected emotions, thought processes and judgment. With continued drinking, motor control is impaired, causing slurred speech, slower reactions and loss of balance. Both increased body fat as the drinking on an empty stomach accelerates the rate of alcohol intoxication.
The disease most commonly caused by alcoholism are:
  • Acute and chronic pancreatitis
  • Bleeding esophageal varices
  • Cancer of the larynx, esophagus, stomach and pancreas
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Hepatitis
  • Impotence
  • Mallory-Weiss
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Wernicke-Korsakoff
Avoid alcohol during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome is the most common known cause of mental retardation.
Parents should talk to their children about the harmful effects of alcohol and confidence to communicate with them, so that they can discuss sensitive issues. Do not allow children to be guided entirely by his friends.Children need firm and loving guidance.
Everyone reacts differently to medications. Always be sure to tell your doctor about any drugs you are taking, including nonprescription medicines and vitamins.
Interactions with medications can have serious health consequences. Adults should be particularly careful about interactions with multiple medications and should closely monitor this situation if appropriate. Bring a list of medications being taken at the time, especially when going to different doctors to treat different problems.
Avoid drinking alcohol while taking medications, because this combination can be very dangerous, especially tranquilizers and painkillers.
Expectant mothers should avoid taking any drugs not prescribed during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester when the fetus is very sensitive to drugs in the body of his mother. If the mother has been taking any drugs before pregnancy, you should inform your doctor.
Always take a drug in the form as prescribed : take any drug for purposes other than those of its own, or in a manner or in quantities other than directed, is considered drug abuse. Abuse and addiction are not just associated with illegal street drugs. Legal drugs such as laxatives, analgesics, nasal sprays, diet pills and cough medicines are also sometimes used improperly, causing serious health problems.
Addiction is defined as compulsive use of a substance despite continued negative consequences. Simply needing a drug (such as an analgesic or antidepressant) and take it the way it was prescribed is not addiction.
Symptoms and signs of addiction vary from person to person and the type of drug, but can include:
  • Agitation
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Dazed appearance
  • Excessive sweating
  • Skin redness
  • Insomnia
  • Persistent rhinorrhea
  • Changes in personality
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unpredictable mood
Signs of drug abuse in teens are: apathy, tantrums, missing school, sloppy dress, lack of interest in studies, excessive demands for privacy and confidentiality, and changing group of friends. However, it is possible that some teens in trouble do not show any of these symptoms.
Stress is normal. It can be a great motivator to get things done in small amounts can even improve health.However, excessive stress can cause symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, problems with mood and others.
It is important that the person learns to recognize the factors most likely to cause stress in your life. While it may not be avoided, the person may feel safer to know the source of your stress and it helps to have "more control" over the situation. The more control you feel you have over your life, the less damage caused by stress.
Obesity is a serious health concern that adds stress to the heart, bones and muscles and increases the risk of hypertension, stroke, varicose veins , breast cancer and gallbladder disease.
Overeating, an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity can lead to obesity. Family history also plays a role.
As a general rule, you should choose foods low in saturated and trans fats, like low cholesterol. Also, limit your intake of sugar, salt (sodium) and alcohol. We recommend eating more fiber , which can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain products and nuts.
Good dental hygiene is essential to keeping your teeth a lifetime and it is important that children with good dental habits early. Good hygiene includes:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Regular dental checkups.
  • Limit consumption of sugar.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles (the toothbrush should be replaced as soon as the bristles become bent).
  • Having the dentist instructions on proper brushing and flossing.
  • Knowing that toothpastes that "control board" have little or no effect on the plaque below the gum line and, therefore, do not provide protection against gum disease.
Read more: What is healthy eating

Healthy foods for diseases like acne

Healthy foods for diseases like acne

Good nutrition is necessary to eliminate the problems of acne and give pitch smoothness to the skin.The problems are acne skin problems. In paragraphs below is a list of recommended foods and forbidden to be taken into account to achieve a pretty face and beautiful, without granites that deface.

You have to start hydrating the skin taking two liters of water (8 glasses of water) daily. Consuming these foods that are distributed in the recipes that include vitamins A, C and E, will always be adequate to eliminate all types of skin conditions, because they strengthen the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A is found in animal products, but are present in plants such as carotenoids, which have an important role in regulating the sebum. Vitamin C is found in vegetables, especially citrus fruits and vitamin E in nuts and oils.

Other elements to be included in the daily diet are omega 3 fatty acids, which dilute sebum, pores and releasing desinflamando. The find in soybeans and oily fish such as anchovy, tuna or salmon.

In addition to the selenium and zinc micronutrient (Balch 1997). There are six causes of acne, 5 organic and emotional. Among the five major organic causes that create acne in adolescents and should be attacked again not to reoffend again acne in young faces and thus develop them very shy, especially in children who come to adolescence (13-16 years), who are suffering the most.

In addition to this chapter of diets for acne, we recommend acne sufferers digestive problems follow diets heartburn and gastritis, to solve their problems. The second type of acne is hormonal problems, which usually occurs by hormonal disorders in women , typical of the period, for this common problem, we recommend the comprehensive treatment based on a food with estrogen, to balance the hormonal system and the diets for hormonal disorders (in this book), in this case follow the diet of menstruation. When acne problems are caused by intestinal disorders (diarrhea or constipation) we recommend diets see section diarrhea or constipation in this book.

Finally there is an acne that is generated by having a fatty liver, leaving the greasers acne pimples or blackheads leave an imprint brown ring, for these problems should consult diets fatty liver in this book. A fifth case of acne problems generated by renal (kidney).

Finally the sixth case is not organic, which produces acne, acne is emotional, it is a problem of the soul, which is why depression or stress problems. In older cases it is advisable to consult with the specialist and solve the case, and also follow the recommendations below lines serve to relieve him.

What is healthy eating?

What is healthy eating

To healthy living:
1. Eat in moderation and include a variety of foods at each meal.
2. Drinking milk everyday. yogurt or cheese. It is necessary at all ages.
3. Eating fruits and vegetables every day of every type and color.
4. Eat a wide variety of red and white meat removing visible fat.
5. Prepare meals preferably crude oil and avoid cooking fat.
6. Decrease consumption of sugar and salt.
7. Eat a variety of breads, cereals, pastas, flours, starches and vegetables.
8. Reduce alcohol consumption and avoid in children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.
9. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.10. Keeping the meals for meetings and dialogue with others.
11. Be physically active.

Read more: Five reasons to eat avocado