Soda can also cause diabetes

Soda can also cause diabetes
Although soda have less calories and almost no simple sugars contribute to the body, not as good for health as we believe , it can encourage the quantity and frequency of intake and also, oddly own sugary foods, can also produce diabetes .
After evaluating more than 66,000 women for fourteen years and detect diabetes cases arising in that time, the researchers found an association between those who consumed more than 1.5 liters of soda per week and the development of diabetes .
Specifically, intake of more than 1.5 liters of artificially sweetened beverages a week increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 130%, compared with people who do not get this type of diet drinks.
The amazing thing is that people who consume this amount of sugary drinks are 50% more likely to suffer the disease, much less than the risk associated with the intake of diet soda.
Despite the observed results arising from a large study done in time and we must take caution before such data, because while researchers worked to exclude effects of other factors associated with the development of diabetes, can not see a cause-effect relationship between diet soda consumption and the onset of the disease.
In fact, it is possible that genetic predisposition and other factors associated with lifestyle influence this relationship.
However, soda can accentuate our sweet tooth and have no sugar but may produce a similar effect as sweetened taste in the brain. Also, there are many diet soda possessing chemicals not recommended in excess in our body.
So, speaking of drinks , or those with sugar or those light are advisable daily if we want a healthy diet for the body.
Track | IntraMed
Image | Vincent Desjardins

Seven foods consumed daily reduces heart risk

Seven foods consumed daily reduces heart risk
There are several foods that benefit the heart, but if we quantify the effect on cardiovascular health, can only reveal the results of a recent study published in the British Medical Journal that states thatseven foods consumed daily by 76% can reduce heart risk .
Although separately ingested these foods also contribute to cardiovascular health, if we add the effect of all daily and include in our diet, we can achieve a significant reduction in heart disease risk. The seven foods that we discussed are:
  • Wine
  • Fish
  • Black chocolate
  • Almonds
  • Garlic
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

Eating these foods daily as part of different preparations and in adequate amounts represent a 76% lower risk of heart disease and 6.6 years longer for men and 4.8 years for women.
Apparently, the fact that combining these foods have different effects on cardiovascular health is a way to enhance the benefits, because although the garlic helps reduce bad cholesterol and antithrombotic effects, the black chocolate provides antioxidants and reduces pressure pressure. The fish with omega 3 reduces triglycerides and raises good cholesterol, such as almonds . The wine is rich in antioxidants and fruit and vegetables contribute to potassium, water and phytosterols.
So, if we take care of the quantities of food at the time to include the daily diet and combine them all on the menu every day, we get this remarkable effect: reduce by 76% the risk of heart disease with the help of healthy eating and of course , an entire lifestyle that accompanies it.
We can not say that while these foods reduce heart disease risk, there are others who can also provide benefits, such as legumes, olive oil or other. Clearly, these foods help but the sum of several habits have greater effect.
Track | lanacion
Image | Theswedish

Some foods and habits harmful to the digestive

Some foods and habits harmful to the digestive
The digestive system is one of the body parts that often gives us more problems, since many stress, the rush, the pace of life in general, we affect this part directly. To avoid this simply just a number of points to keep in mind to prevent this from becoming a problem. In this post we want to give some advice to know which foods or habits that are more harmful when we are likely to have stomach pains, gastritis or heartburn .
Stomach Problems Believe it or not we can do a lot of damage and greatly affect our health and state of Anim or. This circumstance means that often can not be fully empowered as we would like, because although we see the effect it will have on the body is brutal. For this reason it is very important to keep this aspect and thus ensure proper operation without suffering stomach pain. Simply serve with some points to consider when suffering pain avoided.
Avoid holding an empty stomach to avoid heartburn
First we will highlight a point that we almost never considered and that can be very harmful to our health stomach, especially if you're prone to heartburn or reflux. We're talking about keeping the stomach empty for long because the keep food acids can cause further irritation of stomach lining and therefore end up hurt us. For this reason, and to avoid eating food is recommended every three hours, so stay active stomach and avoid the impact of gastric acids.
Remove spicy and acidic foods
Avoid spicy or too acidic is something to bear in mind when our stomach tends to be acidic, and these foods is that they do is stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and increasing stomach acid which can often end up spend bill if we are not careful. Consuming foods as natural as possible, avoiding unnecessary and excessive seasoning salt is necessary if we want to have a calm and smooth digestion later.
Eat less at night
Eating too much before bedtime is a huge risk that we should avoid running. On countless occasions we have said that breakfast Viton and food are the most important as far as food is concerned, and that is when the body runs faster and therefore digestion will be much better. At night the metabolism slows down, and if we add exaggerated food intake, the result will be a heartburn and an upset that will make us embarrassed. If we go to sleep well on a full stomach, the damage will be greater, because digestion is not performed well.
Caring in the diet to avoid stomach pain
Reduce our diet stimulating substances such as caffeine or protein is essential if our stomach does not suffer. The same applies to the high-fat diet, as they are more difficult to digest and cause the stomach to work harder, secreting many more acids that eventually may eventually cause us heartburn.To avoid this you need to incorporate into our diet higher intake of fruits and vegetables, which help us to produce a hormone called ghrelin prevents heartburn. It is important to adapt the diet to achieve maximum avoid problems derived therefrom.
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Protect the liver is easy

Protect the liver is easy
Most people who practice sport on a daily basis and tend to draw on food supplements to improve our performance we always present a separate body that can be affected by these practices, it is the liver , a key organ in our body, and so we must always remember and cherish the most. To do what we will do is give you some tips to get improve their status and avoid a deterioration of same for aserie of malpractice.
The liver is essential for proper functioning of our body, and therefore it is necessary to take care of it properly to prevent premature wear and what it would entail for our health. Just what we need to do is take more account of this body and what we must do to prevent deterioration over time. It is simply a series of simple habits that are not going to neglect and the need to internalize as we serve to all kinds of people at any time of life.
Caring food to protect the liver
First we will highlight food as an important and necessary care when the liver. As regards to foods have different points are present. First we must have in mind the intake of foods rich in antioxidants.Among them we will highlight the berries, nuts, apples, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables ... All these antioxidant nutrients to give us what they will be getting free radicals that attack our bodies have less effect because protect cells against their attacks, which in the case of the liver is necessary because they suffer a lot of wear on the high level of job you have.
Another aspect to consider when following a proper diet is to prevent abuse of nutrients such as proteins , as assimilated by the liver. When we keep for long periods of time abusive intake of these nutrients, we can get is an overload at work you have to perform the liver. This overwork can bring Liver wear that can eventually spend bill as this body ailment. So in a sports diet must avoid exceeding these levels because the damages can be high.
Avoid alcohol and snuff
There are other very negative habits for the proper functioning of the liver. We at this time we will stop in the intake of alcohol and snuff . The alcohol is a substance that is digested and assimilated through the liver. This process requires extra work for the liver, so the damage so will be higher. In the case of snuff the risk for liver toxins in the body that gives us and threatening the health of the same cell, and that after all it is free radicals that can affect them. Some medications can also affect the liver, so it is necessary to be careful and not use it without a prescription.
The importance of sport to protect the liver
Sport is important also to maintain good health and proper functioning of the liver. Along the sport highlight the regular intake of liquids and teas such as green tea, which will help us purify the liver and remove any debris that accumulates on it. Another point to consider when it comes to protecting the proper functioning of the liver is to avoid punches us in this part of the body, as a sharp blow may cause the suffering and altered liver function properly in order to have any kind of ailment .

Quitting smoking: a healthy decision although weight gain

Quitting smoking: a healthy decision although weight gain
There are several reasons why to quit smoking may gain weight , and although being overweight is not healthy or advisable, a study shows that quitting smoking is a healthy choice even if it means an increase in weight .
In other words, although we catch quitting some kilos, they will not offset the benefits of stoppingsmoking , as noted in a study of more than 3,000 U.S. adults, something of great importance if we consider that one of the main obstacles time to say goodbye to smoking is the fear of gaining weight.
While the reasons why many people do not want to add kilos of weight often not limited to health, if we talk about the cardiovascular benefits, quitting would be equally beneficial to earn kilos or not .
The risk of heart attack or stroke was reduced by half in former smokers, even in those who had gained weight after quitting, 2.5 to 5 kilos.
However, even after quitting fat does not counteract the benefits of this latest decision, we can do much to prevent weight gain after saying goodbye to cigarettes , for example, start or increase physical exercise intensity and duration, monitoring diet or occasionally employ a gum or lozenge.
In conclusion, not wanting to quit smoking for fear of weight gain is not a good excuse if we look primarily cardiovascular health.

Improve your posture will improve your health

After a month, and we have adapted to the daily routine and sometimes, we have recovered those bad habits we had.One of them is poor posture at work to adapt, especially as the workday progresses.
Improve your posture will improve your health

This error must avoid and fix as soon as possible, as it is very important to have good posture both our image, after our health. Keep the back straight and avoid problems or spinal muscular pains , plus improve oxygenation .
To maintain a good posture , it is important and fundamental to adapt workspaces or study (also must control this habit in children and adolescents). The chair should have a right height so you can stretch your legs and spine is properly attached to the back, if you work with a computer should be about 50cm away.
Take care of ourselves is essential. Control your weight because excess kilos can make your problems worse postural and that impact on your back and health. strengthen abdominal muscles, legs and shoulders will help to improve posture as pains disappear if they already have them.
The sedentary life is your worst enemy , you have to exercise frequently. If you do not move your body "oxidizes" and not get strengthen muscles to achieve proper posture and avoid problems later.
Apply these tips whenever you can and do not forget to always erect and with perfect posture.

Five reasons to eat avocado

Five reasons to eat avocado
Avocado is a fruit much forgotten by athletes and people who want to lose weight because of their high fat content. When we heard they contain almost 30g of fat per piece, got scared and did not include it directly in our basket. But as not everything that contains fat is bad, let me explain five reasons to eat avocado .
Avocados are one of the best foods you can eat any athlete . Whether you are fitness enthusiasts like you are crazy endurance.

  • They can help improve cholesterol levels and stabilize heart rhythm thanks to the more than 20g per piece of large amounts monounsaturated oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).

  • Support the growth and repair of muscle mass as they contain good sources of protein, high amounts of potassium and zinc, even more than bananas themselves. And as I mentioned, many grams of monounsaturated fat, which also will improve the levels of the hormone testosterone naturally .

  • Reduce inflammation in the joints and assist in cartilage repair due to its essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

  • They feel satiated for longer , thanks to its seven grams of fiber per piece, soluble and insoluble, which slow the breakdown of carbohydrates and the large amount of oleic acid that activates the area of the brain that makes you feel full.

  • Enhance the immune system, because they are high in carotenoids. Avocados are a great source of lutein, a carotenoid that acts as an antioxidant and helps protect against eye diseases.
As you can see, this fruit is a very complete food for athletes . I usually use it in the evenings with a salad with low-fat cheese, lettuce and tomato. Is scrumptious.
Do you guys have the avocado in your diet?
Editor: Vitonica
Image: Muffet