Dalis, a user of our forum has sent the following message to the thread why some fruits cause swelling? :
"I would like contasen why certain fruits like watermelon or cantaloupe me cause swelling in the stomach. Thanks. "
Hello Dalis. Some fruits, indeed several of them, are able to generate swelling and gases in some cases, especially in the area of the intestines. This is due mainly to two reasons: the amount of water and the type of sugar that is in it.
fruits you mention, like watermelon or melon, are extremely hydrating and perfect for the summer season. But it is also true that their high water content (over 90 percent) helps to dilute the gastric juices, thus slowing the digestive process. To avoid this problem it is advisable to consume these fruits leaving a reasonable time after the meal .
But watermelons and cantaloupes are not the only fruits that generate this.Also others such as apples, pears, peaches or plums can contribute to bloating and gas due to its content of sorbitol , a sugar that is present in them. Anyway, if discomfort persists, you can try with some home remedies for gas or some natural remedies for swelling , because your body can be a little sensitive on this issue.