The stomach is one of the areas where fat is deposited more easily, and in which it is more difficult to remove. Toburn fat effectively, you can drink a juice for your abs again be flat . This juiceblending you can prepareminced ½ cup papaya, peeled, seeded, chopped ¼ cup pineapple, peeled, 2 slices of watermelon without peel and seeds and 1 banana . Once you have all fruit smoothie, drink 1 glass of this juice every morning on an empty stomach . 's action papaya allows you to detoxify your body thanks to its laxative effect , while the pineapple and watermelon improve digestion, reduce absorption of fat and having a diuretic effect, decreasing fluid retention.Moreover the banana provides fiber that increases the laxative effect . Also, this juice provides minerals, vitamins and water to improve your hydration , especially if you are in the summer season. For all these nutrition , papaya juice, pineapple, watermelon and banana is great for burning fat and reduce belly . Do not miss it, I hope you like it.