Good nutrition is necessary to eliminate the problems of acne and give pitch smoothness to the skin.The problems are acne skin problems. In paragraphs below is a list of recommended foods and forbidden to be taken into account to achieve a pretty face and beautiful, without granites that deface.
You have to start hydrating the skin taking two liters of water (8 glasses of water) daily. Consuming these foods that are distributed in the recipes that include vitamins A, C and E, will always be adequate to eliminate all types of skin conditions, because they strengthen the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A is found in animal products, but are present in plants such as carotenoids, which have an important role in regulating the sebum. Vitamin C is found in vegetables, especially citrus fruits and vitamin E in nuts and oils.
Other elements to be included in the daily diet are omega 3 fatty acids, which dilute sebum, pores and releasing desinflamando. The find in soybeans and oily fish such as anchovy, tuna or salmon.
In addition to the selenium and zinc micronutrient (Balch 1997). There are six causes of acne, 5 organic and emotional. Among the five major organic causes that create acne in adolescents and should be attacked again not to reoffend again acne in young faces and thus develop them very shy, especially in children who come to adolescence (13-16 years), who are suffering the most.
In addition to this chapter of diets for acne, we recommend acne sufferers digestive problems follow diets heartburn and gastritis, to solve their problems. The second type of acne is hormonal problems, which usually occurs by hormonal disorders in women , typical of the period, for this common problem, we recommend the comprehensive treatment based on a food with estrogen, to balance the hormonal system and the diets for hormonal disorders (in this book), in this case follow the diet of menstruation. When acne problems are caused by intestinal disorders (diarrhea or constipation) we recommend diets see section diarrhea or constipation in this book.
Finally there is an acne that is generated by having a fatty liver, leaving the greasers acne pimples or blackheads leave an imprint brown ring, for these problems should consult diets fatty liver in this book. A fifth case of acne problems generated by renal (kidney).
Finally the sixth case is not organic, which produces acne, acne is emotional, it is a problem of the soul, which is why depression or stress problems. In older cases it is advisable to consult with the specialist and solve the case, and also follow the recommendations below lines serve to relieve him.