The properties of the applediet are indisputable. Suman its satiating power, the fact of having fewer calories , high in fiber and a rich supply of antioxidants. So much so that virtually no diet to lose weight quickly , which does not include apples among their snacks. Nevertheless, it is clear that not all apple varieties have exactly the same amount of calories .Fluctuations between which have more calories and less can vary by up to 50%. While sweeter apples can have almost 60 calories per 100 gramsof fruit, the more acidic barely exceed the 40 calories per equal weight. Thereby generally red apple has more calories than green apple and apple with peelmany fewer calories than without. The latter is because the entire block, considered a negative calorie food , to be consumed with quemagrasas shell increases its properties, ie more calories than are expended in its digestion that it provides with its intake. Moreover, it diets in common use is in the form of snacks to a special presentation of the apple: the dried apples . While it is true that this food product concentrates satiating power of apples, it is also true that concentrates its calories. So much so that contributes about 350 calories per 100 grams , so that a portion should not exceed 20 to 25 grams of product. Ultimately, an apple has averaged about 50 calories per 100 grams and weighs between 150 and 250 grams , so if you eat one, you'll earn a diet around 75-125 calories .