Most people who practice sport on a daily basis and tend to draw on food supplements to improve our performance we always present a separate body that can be affected by these practices, it is the liver , a key organ in our body, and so we must always remember and cherish the most. To do what we will do is give you some tips to get improve their status and avoid a deterioration of same for aserie of malpractice.
The liver is essential for proper functioning of our body, and therefore it is necessary to take care of it properly to prevent premature wear and what it would entail for our health. Just what we need to do is take more account of this body and what we must do to prevent deterioration over time. It is simply a series of simple habits that are not going to neglect and the need to internalize as we serve to all kinds of people at any time of life.
Caring food to protect the liver
First we will highlight food as an important and necessary care when the liver. As regards to foods have different points are present. First we must have in mind the intake of foods rich in antioxidants.Among them we will highlight the berries, nuts, apples, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables ... All these antioxidant nutrients to give us what they will be getting free radicals that attack our bodies have less effect because protect cells against their attacks, which in the case of the liver is necessary because they suffer a lot of wear on the high level of job you have.
Another aspect to consider when following a proper diet is to prevent abuse of nutrients such as proteins , as assimilated by the liver. When we keep for long periods of time abusive intake of these nutrients, we can get is an overload at work you have to perform the liver. This overwork can bring Liver wear that can eventually spend bill as this body ailment. So in a sports diet must avoid exceeding these levels because the damages can be high.
Avoid alcohol and snuff
There are other very negative habits for the proper functioning of the liver. We at this time we will stop in the intake of alcohol and snuff . The alcohol is a substance that is digested and assimilated through the liver. This process requires extra work for the liver, so the damage so will be higher. In the case of snuff the risk for liver toxins in the body that gives us and threatening the health of the same cell, and that after all it is free radicals that can affect them. Some medications can also affect the liver, so it is necessary to be careful and not use it without a prescription.
The importance of sport to protect the liver
Sport is important also to maintain good health and proper functioning of the liver. Along the sport highlight the regular intake of liquids and teas such as green tea, which will help us purify the liver and remove any debris that accumulates on it. Another point to consider when it comes to protecting the proper functioning of the liver is to avoid punches us in this part of the body, as a sharp blow may cause the suffering and altered liver function properly in order to have any kind of ailment .
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