Avocado is a fruit much forgotten by athletes and people who want to lose weight because of their high fat content. When we heard they contain almost 30g of fat per piece, got scared and did not include it directly in our basket. But as not everything that contains fat is bad, let me explain five reasons to eat avocado .
Avocados are one of the best foods you can eat any athlete . Whether you are fitness enthusiasts like you are crazy endurance.
- They can help improve cholesterol levels and stabilize heart rhythm thanks to the more than 20g per piece of large amounts monounsaturated oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).
- Support the growth and repair of muscle mass as they contain good sources of protein, high amounts of potassium and zinc, even more than bananas themselves. And as I mentioned, many grams of monounsaturated fat, which also will improve the levels of the hormone testosterone naturally .
- Reduce inflammation in the joints and assist in cartilage repair due to its essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
- They feel satiated for longer , thanks to its seven grams of fiber per piece, soluble and insoluble, which slow the breakdown of carbohydrates and the large amount of oleic acid that activates the area of the brain that makes you feel full.
- Enhance the immune system, because they are high in carotenoids. Avocados are a great source of lutein, a carotenoid that acts as an antioxidant and helps protect against eye diseases.
As you can see, this fruit is a very complete food for athletes . I usually use it in the evenings with a salad with low-fat cheese, lettuce and tomato. Is scrumptious.
Do you guys have the avocado in your diet?
Editor: Vitonica
Image: Muffet