Foods to prevent breast cancer

Foods to prevent breast cancer
In these days very important that we know that food served to prevent breast cancer , and that no effort is worthwhile in its prevention. Moreover in these days when the number of cases filed each year has increased considerably this problem. Here are to serve food to prevent breast cancer and also serve to complement your nutrition and lead a healthy life in all aspects.
Cauliflower. This herb contains sulforaphane, which stop the growth of cancer cells in vitro by interfering with the ability of the cells to reproduce. Cauliflower also contains a compound called I3C, which may decrease the effects of estrogen effects that otherwise could favor the proliferation of tumors. When cooking this vegetable , steamed Roast and cook but never boil (unless you prepare vegetable soup or some other way to use the cooking water) this is because research has shown that when boiling cauliflower 75% of anti-cancer components filtered water.
Sweet potatoes or yams (sweet potatoes). A sweet potato can contain up to 11.062 micrograms of beta-carotene, a carotenoid that helps the body better metabolize estrogen. Women with lower levels of beta-carotene and other carotenoids had twice the risk of breast cancer compared with women with the highest levels of that substance. Sweet potatoes or yams are a food to prevent breast cancer highly recommended as well as their properties above are also incredibly versatile so you will have no problem in including them in your recipes .
Ketchup. Research shows that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomato sauce, can protect against cancer of breast by neutralizing free radicals that damage cells. Studies show that lycopene can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in laboratory tests as it was observed that tumors removed laboratory subjects. It also provides a protective shield for skin against damage from the sun . Lycopene is more easily absorbed into the body when exposed to heat and cooked tomatoes are better than raw for this purpose. Lycopene is fat-soluble, so add olive oil can help absorption.
These foods to prevent breast cancer are very affordable in most countries as well as being economical and very adaptable to all kinds of cooking whatever our preference in that area. No doubt, include them in our diet is advice that no woman should miss.